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Builder tpd-full Build #1


Build successful


Build of most recent revision
Got Revision84e24fc4d5be




The web-page 'rebuild' button was pressed by '':

Steps and Logfiles:

  1. hg checkout (26.1 s)
    1. stdio
  2. setup setup (14.7 s)
    1. stdio
  3. clean clean (0.8 s)
    1. stdio
  4. build build (30.6 s)
    1. stdio
  5. test test (1.4 s)
    1. stdio
  6. dist dist (4.0 s)
    1. stdio
  7. install install (8.4 s)
    1. stdio

Build Properties:

Branch None Build
Buildername tpd-full Build
Buildnumber 1 Build
Got_revision 84e24fc4d5be Source
Revision None Build
Slavename orzslave01 BuildSlave


no responsible users


StartTue Jan 5 13:54:00 2010
EndTue Jan 5 13:55:27 2010
Elapsed1 mins, 26 secs

Resubmit Build:

This tree was built from the most recent revision and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it exactly.
Any changes that have been committed after this build was started will be included in a rebuild.

Your name:
Reason for re-running build: